Terraform vs CloudFormation

November 10, 2021


In today's technological landscape, managing cloud infrastructure is an essential requirement for most businesses. It has become a critical aspect of managing applications and delivering digital services. This is where Infrastructure as Code (IaC) comes into the picture.

IaC is an automated way of managing infrastructure using code. It helps to reduce the time it takes to deploy infrastructure, lowers the possibility of human error, and enables organizations to manage their cloud infrastructure effectively. In this blog post, we will focus on two major IaC tools - Terraform and CloudFormation.


Terraform is an open-source tool developed by HashiCorp. It is a cloud-agnostic tool, which means you can use Terraform with any cloud service provider. It uses a declarative configuration format called HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL). Terraform works by defining the desired state of your infrastructure in a configuration file and then applies it to the cloud.

Some advantages of using Terraform are:

  • It can be extended with plugins
  • Separation of concerns
  • Better error messages
  • Dry-run support
  • State locking


AWS developed CloudFormation to automate the deployment of cloud resources. It is an AWS-specific tool that uses JSON or YAML configuration files to define resources and their dependencies. CloudFormation deploys infrastructure in a stack-oriented way, where the deployment and removal of resources is done in a specific order.

Some advantages of using CloudFormation are:

  • Tight integration with other AWS services
  • Consistent AWS controls
  • Automatic rollback in case of failure
  • Sophisticated dependency management


Now that we have defined both tools, let's compare them to see which one is better for your needs.


Both CloudFormation and Terraform require a learning curve. However, Terraform users may find it easier to learn than CloudFormation, as Terraform uses a simpler configuration language (HCL), while CloudFormation uses YAML or JSON.

Multi-Cloud Support

Terraform is a cloud-agnostic tool, which means you can use it to manage cloud infrastructure across multiple cloud providers. In contrast, CloudFormation is limited to AWS services.

Ecosystem & Support

Terraform has been around longer than CloudFormation and has a larger and more diverse community. As a result, Terraform has a richer ecosystem and support system. CloudFormation, on the other hand, is an AWS tool, which means it benefits from tight integration with other AWS services and has better support for those services.

State Management

Both tools manage infrastructure state, but Terraform's state management is more robust. Terraform can be used with a remote storage backend, while CloudFormation stores infrastructure state in AWS S3 or DynamoDB.


Terraform has a lower cost of entry than CloudFormation, as it is open-source and free to use. Additionally, Terraform can be used with any cloud service provider, which can lead to savings due to multi-cloud support.


Terraform and CloudFormation both have their strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your needs and requirements. Terraform is a good choice if you need multi-cloud support and a robust ecosystem. CloudFormation is an excellent choice if you are deploying on AWS and need tight integration with other AWS services.


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